IT Crimes

Bitcoin scam attack on prominent Twitter accounts through social engineering

In Europe, only revelers have heard of the sometimes dramatic events that have driven the Twitter community in the past…

5 years ago

Anonymous hackers promise to “expose” Minneapolis police

The hacker group Anonymous posted a video that threatened to "expose" the Minneapolis police and accused it of cruelty and…

5 years ago

Beaware! 21 apps are illegal steal user personal data

Recently, the National Center for Computer Virus Response recently discovered dangerous apps. Which violates the relevant provisions of the Law…

5 years ago

Google Pay: Vulnerability has been fixed, PayPal problem still exists

In February, major security vulnerabilities related to Google Pay were reported. If the PayPal account is stored in the app.…

5 years ago

Android’s new banking trojan bypasses Google’s two-step authentication

Android's new banking trojan steals PINs and pattern keys along with Google Authentic codes. Threat Fabric, a Dutch company is…

5 years ago