Bill Gates told the truth: What’s the difference between the US and China in fighting the Coronavirus?

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Bill Gates, an alumnus of Microsoft’s board of directors. He participated in Reddit’s “Answer Questions and Answers” (AMA) event. Which featured the Reddit community’s new Coronavirus epidemic. The government’s response, and the world. And other problems

Bill Gates

Some netizens asked, “Why did Bill drop out of his position before the ‘Chinese virus’ got worse?” The “Chinese virus” argument comes from Trump.

Gates responded in two ways: “We shouldn’t call it a” Chinese virus. ”

Gates said my retirement from the board has nothing to do with this epidemic, but that illness made me focus more on the work of the Foundation, which includes work to help cope with the outbreak.

Bill Gates statement

Gates also acknowledged China’s involvement in the detection of the virus. “The Chinese experience is one of the most important data we have received. They have taken effective blockade measures. And have reduced the number of cases. They are being extensively tested and they have been extensively linked to infection.

He believes that virus detection in the United States is still in an unstructured stage, and that detection may prove key to the elimination of the New Testament virus.

Bill Gates praises China detection and isolation: very effective

Recently, Bill Gates, who has just retired from Microsoft’s Board of Directors. He participated in Reddit’s “Answers to Questions and Answers” (AMA) event, which will help prevent new Coronaviruses and Answers to treatment questions from US networks.

He said China has done a good job of detecting and quarantining, effectively preventing the spread of the virus. He also said the US detection is still unmanageable.

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Gates said there are very few new cases in China because their detection and isolation are very effective. If a country does a good job of detecting and quarantining, within 6-10 weeks. It will overcome the outbreak and reopen.

“China’s experience is one of the most important data we can get,” Gates said. They have effectively stopped and reduced the number of cases. They are undergoing extensive testing and soon have been compensated for. And they have survived widespread infection.

He believes that virus detection in the United States is still in an unstructured stage. Aand that detection may prove key to the elimination of the New Testament virus.

Gates hopes that in the next few weeks, the government will set up a website to address the issue. Where people can learn about home virus tests and other information.

They think the task of detecting the current US pandemic is a bit confusing. In Seattle, thousands of tests are performed daily at Washington University. But these tests are not linked to the national tracking system.

In terms of reducing the spread of the virus, Gates believes that the only effective model currently is known is severe social isolation. The United States is going to blockade. In fact, the blockade should begin soon. The sooner the blockade is made. The easier it is to control the increase in the number of cases. He said the American people would need 2 to 3 months of social isolation.

Gates said vaccine work is now being prioritized, and if all goes well, the vaccine will be manufactured within 18 months. But we are still not convinced that the work is in full swing.

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