YouTube app now reminds you to go to sleep

YouTube now expands screen time management capabilities on Android and iOS smartphones. Gradually, users can now set individual reminders, for example, when it’s time to go to bed.
“Bedtime reminders” or bedtime reminders for YouTube are initially published for Android and iPhone app users, the YouTube announcement said. However, it may take some time until a new feature is released for everyone. A new reminder function expands the ability to remind you when watching a video, take a break from time to time, and collect your cell phone. Since pointless browsing on YouTube also means that you can watch the video for hours and not sleep. For example, this is a practical solution to remind yourself that it’s time to remove the device.
YouTube writes about the new option:
“Bedtime reminders let you set reminders at specific times to stop watching a video and (you guessed it!) Go to sleep. You can set the start and end time in your settings, including the question about If you want to pause the video or wait for it to finish, reject the request or put the reminder in sleep mode, this function is available today on Android and iPhone devices. and will be distributed to all users in the next few days. ”
Practical feature
Similar options are known from other applications. So YouTube has come to present something like this to remind yourself of the need to turn off the application. Reminders before bedtime will be available through the application settings. However, when we tried to activate the new option, it had not yet appeared. You will find a new feature in other playtime settings.
You can select the time in the settings menu and decide whether you want the reminder to go to sleep during the video, or wait until it ends. And if you change your mind and want to continue watching another video (or ten), you can reject the reminder.
Reminder parameters are set by the user in settings. The setting including the time and how strict they should be (whether the service will wait for the clip to expire or for its reminder to interrupt its playback). Indeed. , Can continue to reject the reminder.
Innovation is already available in the application for iOS and Android. An update will be distributed in the coming days.
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