Germany cracks new Coronavirus! Discover effective blocking compounds

The new corona epidemic has spread worldwide, and research on the new coronavirus itself has also made new breakthroughs. Germany has cracked the three-dimensional structure of the main protease of the new coronavirus, which is expected to be used for the development of new drugs.
According to the latest paper published by German researchers in the US “Science” magazine, Mpro is the main protease in new coronavirus and plays a key role in the virus replication process.
With the help of high-intensity X-rays, the researchers decoded the three-dimensional structure of the Mpro protease, and tested a series of compounds on the protease, and found that the compound code 13b can effectively block its function.
The compound was tested in mice without any adverse effects.
Based on this research, it is hoped that a drug that can effectively inhibit the new coronavirus can be directly administered to the lungs of patients with new coronavirus pneumonia.
German Coronavirus outbreak expands risk to high
The number of patients with German Coronavirus continues to increase rapidly. The Robert Koch Institute in Berlin raised the risk of German outbreak expansion to “advanced” on Tuesday. The German rush to buy food and hygiene products continue. Germany launches overseas evacuation and issues comprehensive travel warnings.
The number of patients with German Coronavirus continues to increase rapidly. The Robert Koch Institute in Berlin raised the risk of German outbreak expansion to “advanced” on Tuesday. The German rush to buy food and hygiene products continue. Germany launches overseas evacuation and issues comprehensive travel warnings.
According to the German radio station, Germany’s new Coronavirus patients are still increasing rapidly. According to data released by the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, there are 6012 patients in Germany, with 13 deaths.
Compared with the previous day, the number of patients has increased by 1174. Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore said that there are already about 8,000 patients in Germany and 20 deaths. The statistics are different because the data sources are different. The CDU presidential candidate, Merkel’s strongest rival, Merz, has been tested positive for the new Coronavirus.
German schools and kindergartens are now closed. Most cultural activities have also been canceled. Although the government and health authorities are calling for people to minimize social interaction, parks in Berlin are now full of people. People crowded in groups, dancing, picnicking, playing various games, there was a spring tour atmosphere, and no one wore a mask, which was very different from the government’s escalating warning.
With countries closing borders and many airlines canceling flights, Germany issued a comprehensive travel warning and initiated the overseas evacuation. But diasporas must be involved in bearing the costs. Germany currently has 100,000 foreign tourists stranded. Foreign Minister Mars called the evacuation plan an “air bridge”, the same name as the Allied plan to save Berlin by air during the Cold War. Mas said the government will allocate 50 million euros to the plan, focusing on group travel vacationers.
The German rush to buy food and hygiene products continue. Agriculture Minister Crockerna came out to comfort the people, saying that Germany could guarantee food supplies.
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