Microsoft offers employees 12 weeks of pandemic special leave

Microsoft offers employees 12 weeks of pandemic special leave

Currently, many of us have to work at home, and this also creates various problems. Working parents, in particular, quickly reach their psychological and physical limitations. Microsoft is now helping them with a 12-week special leave.

Kindergartens and schools are currently closed, and therefore children are at home. But they are bored, they are hungry and / or thirsty, have a full diaper, must learn online lessons, etc. And parents must master it all by doing their real work in the home office. This is a task that requires a lot, and sometimes pushes mothers and fathers to the limit of sustainability – and beyond.

Microsoft knows this, and he offers its employees almost fantastic support, namely a 12-week special leave during a pandemic. According to Thurrott, the employees can take a break called “Paid leave in connection with a pandemic school and childcare.”  Which can roughly be translated as “Paid leave during school closures and childcare due to a pandemic.”

Microsoft: A whopping twelve weeks of vacation

The initiative is based on support from the US Department of Labor, smaller companies (with less than 500 employees) receive tax credits. But in the case of large corporations, this is a voluntary benefit. In addition, the implementation of this Microsoft government program is even more generous than the law called the Family and Medical Vacations Act (FMLA).

This is not the first time that Microsoft has rightly appealed to its employees in the current crisis. Because in early March, it was announced that temporary workers. Who now have nothing to do, because most of the offices in Redmond are closed. He will continue to pay regular salaries.

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Crown Virus: Microsoft’s Good Guy Paid Temporary Workers Full Salary

The Coronavirus currently controls the world, and the first economic consequences are already visible. But basically it is about large corporations and rarely the notorious little man. This is exactly what Microsoft is thinking.

Many many other companies have commissioned a large number of its employees to work, if possible, at home. The reason for this is, of course, COVID-19, the currently widespread coronary virus. This is a precaution to reduce the risk of distribution, and most Microsoft employees can also do their work in the home office.

But there are also many employees on the Microsoft campus who don’t directly work at Microsoft and who are also needed to support day-to-day work. These include bus drivers and the dining staff.

These people also suffer directly when large corporations send their employees home. And such temporary workers, as a rule, are people who rely on every penny. However, according to CNBC, Microsoft announced that it will not abandon these socially vulnerable people if they have to work less or not on the premises or branches of the company.

4,500 employees affected

On his blog, Brad Smith, general counsel for Microsoft, wrote that 4,500 employees are affected. Last week, Microsoft announced that COVID-19 will not achieve its quarterly goals this quarter. But it is, of course, good that you do not save in the wrong place.

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