New coronavirus reported 3.44 million people diagnosed with 243015 deaths

New coronavirus reported 3.44 million people diagnosed with 243015 deaths

The epidemic of a new coronavirus is raging all over the world. Today, at noon European time, according to official statistics from different countries, more than 3.44 million people around the world were diagnosed with diseases and caused 243,015 deaths.

According to Reuters in Beijing, China has the worst epidemic in the United States today, with a diagnosis of 1.14 million people and 66,426 deaths.

Europe reported 137,000 deaths. These statistics make up half of the global mortality data. Of these, 216 582 cases were diagnosed in Spain and 25 100 died. Italy has become the country with the largest number of deaths in Europe due to the death of 28,710. The number of her diagnoses is 209,328, inferior to Spain.

Britain became the third most severe country in Europe. In Britain reporting 182,260 diagnoses and 28,131 deaths.

France is the fourth largest country in Europe. 130,979 confirmed cases were recorded. The number of deaths was 24,760. Over the past 24 hours, France reported 166 deaths and 794 newly diagnosed cases.

In Germany, according to epidemic statistics, 162,496 cases were diagnosed and 6,649 deaths recorded.

Russia reported 134,687 confirmed diagnoses with 1,280 deaths.

In Latin America, 96,559 diagnoses and 6,750 deaths were confirmed. According to Reuters, an epidemic in Africa reported that 5,951 cases and 116 deaths were diagnosed in South Africa. Egypt reported 5,895 confirmed cases and 406 deaths.

In China, 82,877 cases were diagnosed, and the death toll is 4,633.

Iran reported 82,877 confirmed diagnoses with a fatal outcome of 4,633 people. Iran is the harshest country in the Middle East. In the Middle East, 96,448 cases were diagnosed and 6,156 deaths were recorded.

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In Latin America, 96,559 diagnoses and 6,750 deaths were confirmed.

According to Reuters, an epidemic in Africa reported that 5,951 cases and 116 deaths were diagnosed in South Africa. Egypt reported 5,895 confirmed cases and 406 deaths.

Britain became the third most severe country in Europe. In Britain reporting 182,260 diagnoses and 28,131 deaths.

In Germany, according to epidemic statistics, 162,496 cases were diagnosed and 6,649 deaths recorded.

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