All latest update about China coronavirus outbreak:

WHO launches international cooperation to response to new coronavirus

The loss of life from another coronavirus epidemic in China surged past 1,500 on Saturday, a day after individuals coming back to the capital from holidays were requested to isolate themselves for 14 days to attempt to contain the virus’s spread.

State Councillor Wang Yi, who also serves as China’s foreign minister, recognized that the infection, presently known as COVID-19, was a significant challenge but safeguarded Beijing’s administration of the plague and lashed out at the “overcompensation” of certain nations. “Through our endeavors the pestilence is by and large leveled out,” he told the Reuters News Agency on Friday.

More than two dozen countries have affirmed cases and a few countries have suspended exchange and travel joins with China in an offer to contain the spread of the infection. Three death cases have been recorded outside mainland China – one in Hong Kong one in the Philippines, and one most recently in Japan.

Another case of Coronavirus was reported by Egypt on Friday, becoming the first country in the African continent to confirm a case, and the second in the Middle East locale, after the UAE (United Arab Emirates) analyzed its first cases toward the end of last month.

Here are the latest updates:

Saturday, February 15

First death reported in France due to Coronavirus

An 80 years old chine’s visitor hospitalised in France has passed from the new coronavirus, the first casualty affirmed in Europe and outside of Asia, French Health Minister Agnes Buzyn said.

France has recorded 11 cases of the virus.

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In the Philippines, Hong Kong and Japan, three deaths have been recorded outside of china mainland.

WHO (World Health Organization): China running 82 trials for virus treatment

China is as of now running in excess of 80 preliminaries for treatment of the novel coronavirus, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Talking at the Munich Security Conference, Michael Ryan, chief of the WHO’s Emergencies Programs approached countries around the globe to work with Beijing to fight with the infection.

“There are 82 distinct preliminaries under the path in China at this moment – everything from conventional medication completely through to hostile to HIV drugs and that is in a joint effort with the outer researchers and specialists,” Ryan said.

A portion of these preliminaries will have brings about a little while,” he added.

Beijing orders returnees to self-quarantine for 14 days

Authorities in China’s capital, Beijing, have requested individuals coming back to the city from occasion to self-isolate for 14 days, in another exceptional exertion to contain the coronavirus episode.

Every fresh introduction to the Chinese capital should isolate themselves at home or experience perception for 14 days, state media said.

The new measures, presented by the gathering of pioneers accused of infection control and anticipation for the city, guaranteed severe discipline for violators, the Beijing Daily detailed.

Another 67 people tested positive on journey transport in Japan

Sixty-seven additional individuals onboard a cruise ship quarantined off Japan’s coast have tried positive for the new coronavirus, the country’s health minister said.

The new cases, from 217 tests, bring the number of individuals analyzed on the Diamond Princess, docked in the Japanese port city of Yokohama, to 286, including an isolated official who got the disease.

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