Apple still sells RAM for its space-marking PCs

Apple still sells RAM for its space-marking PCs

Apple memory can be eight times more expensive

Apple products are often far from cheap. When a particular Captain’s device is competitively priced, there can be no complaint against Apple. But sometimes company pricing is astonishing.

The source has decided to test how much Apple RAM costs compared to normal. For example, a memory module 16GB DDR4 2400MHz SODIMM (2 x 8GB) is sold for $ 400 in the official Apple Store, and similar double volume One set of – for twice the price.

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For comparison, the same frequency and volume kits for any PC are 16GB on Amazon of 50-60 and 32GB in case. Sold at 90-100. Even OWC kits that are specifically designed for Apple technology cost $ 85 and up, respectively. 165. Namely, Apple offers not only the more expensive but the more expensive four or even eight times the most common RAM!

Apparently, when ram prices dropped worldwide, Apple missed this point.

Apple announced the best apps and games of 2019

A powerful designer editor, ranging from a camera and a Moleskin notebook

Apple today announced the 2019 results of its online store App Store, naming the best games and applications.

Apple store

There was a Specter Camera, developed by Apple Lux Optics of the Year for the iPhone, which allows you to take long-exposure images using artificial intelligence technologies.


This year’s iPad app is an electronic counterpart to the flow-through Molisin’s notebook.

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Best Mac App Affinity is a publisher developed by Serif Labs, which provides professional tools for the design of any printed material.

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Apple TV is the Explorer of the Air Explorer Network, which helps researchers, scientists and artists adjust their photos and videos.

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Being the game of the year for the iPhone, Multiplayer Quest Sky: Children of Light has been announced with stunning scenes from that game company.

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The best game for the iPad was the latest version of the classic 16-bit adventure game Hyper Light Driver.

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Game of the year is a GRIS platformer puzzle game for Mac and Devon and Noda Studios.

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Best Games for Apple TV She brings an adventure game to life back in the 80s.

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It is noted that in 2019, developers are portraying iOS as a global sporting activity, resurrecting past years’ achievements.

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