New Coronavirus-infected pneumonia patients: Delivery from Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital! Unprecedented

New Coronavirus-infected pneumonia patients: Delivery from Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital! Unprecedented

On the morning of 2 am, a delivery ceremony took place at Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital. On February 3, patients will be formally admitted to Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital. This is Wuhan’s first specialized hospital for the entry and treatment of new coronavirus-infected pneumonia patients. The first “remote consulting platform” of Huawei-powered Wuhan Vulcan Hospital will also be officially used.

On the evening of January 31, Huawei and China Telecom completed the installation. And installation of a network of Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital’s first “remote consulting platform”.

Through this platform, remote high-quality medical professionals in Beijing can consult patients remotely via remote video connections with Mountain Hospital’s frontline medical staff.

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This will further improve the effectiveness and effectiveness of diagnosing and treating the case. And to some extent eliminate the pain points of first-line medical. And the nursing staff in Wuhan when they are nervous and overworked. At the same time, it will also reduce the risk of foreign medical specialists for Wuhan.

wuhan shipment

In the afternoon of January 31, Huawei’s network, video conferencing. And other equipment entered the emergency transportation site, preparing for a construction commission.


On the evening of January 31, after a half-day emergency contact and installation. The remote consultation system started.

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Coronavirus: According to reports, the “remote medical system”. The sysptem used by Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital has several technical highlights.

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The integrated high-definition video conference terminal TE20 video conference equipment. And management platform (Huawei MCU and Huawei Video Business Management Platform SMC) donated by Huawei . Huawei also supports the smooth implementation of telemedicine in the 512K bandwidth’s highly networked environment. Can make sure

In addition, the system also supports 1080P HD image quality. In the context of telemedicine consultation, clinicians in both locations may be required to share medical files.  Such as CT films of patients for diagnosis through auxiliary code streams. Therefore, the roles of high definition image quality are especially important.


Huawei and China Telecom’s jointly-established 5G remote consulting platform has been used at Wuhan Xihei Hospital (picture screen has test screen)

It is reported that Vulcan Mountain Hospital has also purchased a medical cart equipped with a mobile camera to enter the ward to take a close picture of the patient. If needed later, photos taken from the basket can also be introduced into the remote consulting system.

It is worth mentioning that Gigabyte Wired Optical Cables, the first remote consulting platform at Vulcan Mountain Hospital that was open this time, is currently available. But the system is currently equipped with 5G network backup. Later in the day, according to the actual medical needs, the 5G network can fully support Walken Mountain’s remote consultation.

Image Source = MyDrivers

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