How does the new crown virus perform nucleic acid detection? So it is

China is closely watching the pneumonia outbreak of new coronavirus infection. At the same time, news of every kind is spreading. Difficult to distinguish true and false.
Large-scale disinfection in Beijing tonight?
Net transmission “Beijing on February 10 at 12 pm to carry out large-scale killing and disinfection of the city’s main roads.” After verification, this news is not true, it is a rumour. The majority of netizens are requested to obtain information from official authoritative channels. And do not spread rumours or believe them!
Nucleic acid testing is an important way to confirm the new crown virus at this time, and it is also an important process for verifying patients’ diagnoses. But do you know how the new Crown virus performs nucleic acid detection?
Academician Zhong Nanshan has been interviewed by the media about the pneumonia epidemic and did not mention the aforementioned information.
At present, China does not have a “National Health Bureau”, only the National Health Commission. The National Health Commission has not released the aforementioned information.
Recently, some media shot the whole process of detecting nucleic acids. Let’s take a look.
First, the medical staff will collect patients’ throat swab samples. And the samples will be sent to the laboratory medical centre once the samples are collected.
Some students will worry about whether virus samples will be a leak in the laboratory. In fact, there is no need to worry about it. The P2 level laboratory is fully sealed and the room is in negative pressure. Gas in the laboratory will not run out and cause pollution.
The laboratory will develop four areas for the detection of nucleic acids, which are the reagent preparation area. And also a task sample preparation area, amplification area, and post-amplification analysis area.
The reagent preparation area is responsible for sampling the patient. The sample preparation area is responsible for extracting the nucleic acid from the sample.
The amplitude area is used to amplify and replicate the nucleic acid sample. And the analyzing area is to analyze whether the nucleic sample can be paired with the standard acid. If it is detected by the device. It will be considered positive. If it is not detected, then it will be negative.
The new crown virus may come from China’s biological warfare plan?
On February 10, the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States published the main text of the interview with CBS by Chinese Ambassador to the United States on the 9th, which involved hot issues such as the current new pneumonia epidemic.
When asked about China’s response to the US Senator and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee Tom Cotton’s allegation that the virus might come from China’s biological warfare plan, Cui Tiankai said that the allegation was really crazy. He said that catching wind and making rumours is extremely dangerous and harmful because it will not only cause panic, but also promote racial discrimination and xenophobia, and undermine the joint efforts to fight the epidemic.
Source: Chinese Embassy’s official website
Cui Tiankai also said that speculation and rumours would certainly exist, and some people said that the viruses came from the US military laboratory instead of China. How can we believe similar crazy remarks?
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