US Doctor warned the world about the coronavirus danger

US Doctor warned the world about the coronavirus danger

Chief infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci in the United States pointed out that the number of patients infected with coronavirus has “surged”. The expert said that for American citizens, the next two weeks are “critically important.” At the same time, he emphasized that the vaccine will not appear by the end of this year. He said that for many people, different drugs or different variants of a drug will be required.

COVID-19 were recorded in the world

-As of June 24, 9,263,466 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded worldwide. 4,839,769 people were cured and 476,960 people died.

-At the same time, in Russia, 599,705 coronavirus patients are being observed. 356,429 citizens were recovered, of which 8,359 were fatal.

-Doctors in the United Kingdom and Poland monitored the behavior of the coronavirus after disappearing in the water and determined the risk of drinking untreated water in the two countries. It turns out that in rivers and lakes, infections can last up to 25 days.

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -Anthony Fauci warned that in some parts of the United States, infections are “increasingly rising.” In addition, he does not expect viable coronavirus vaccines until the end of 2020. In addition, for different populations, different vaccines or different variants of the same vaccine may be required.

He emphasized: “The virus will not disappear.” According to experts, for Americans, the next two weeks are “critical”

Wearing Masked Time period until autumn

-By the end of July, the number of daily deaths due to coronavirus in Moscow and the Moscow region is most likely to decrease, Agasi Tavadyan, an expert in statistics and modeling at the Economic Research Center, told RIA Novosti.

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-In the next appeal to Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the extension of additional payments to health workers in July and August. During this period, they will be exempt from tax. Payments to social workers will also be extended for two months-until September 15.

-The head of the first channel Dok-Tok program, Zarina Doguzova, said that Rostourism is discussing with Rospotrebnadzor the possibility of canceling the mandatory coronavirus certificate for nursing home vacationers.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova warned: “Russian masquerade will continue in the fall.” According to her, “the virus will not spread anywhere” and in the fall, Russia has also begun The cold season includes flu and pneumonia.

Anastasia Rakova, deputy mayor of the Moscow Ministry of Social Development, talked about the new standards for the operation of kindergartens caused by coronaviruses. RIA Novosti quoted Rakov as saying: “According to the mayor’s decree, all preschool institutions in the city will resume their work from today.”

The deputy mayor said: “They signed a separate timetable with each parent to take the child to the kindergarten, and must take the child to the kindergarten within a certain time to exclude groups of children and parents.”

-Experts from the Higher School of Economics have found that one-quarter of Russians in the nearby environment suffer from coronavirus patients-relatives or friends. In the month from May 26 to June 16, this group of respondents almost doubled, from 16.6% to 28.2%. The number of respondents who reported being infected with the virus at or near home increased from 4.7% to 8.1%.

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Consequences of life

-As the head of COVID-19 British Rehabilitation Centre, Dr. Hilary Floyd said she was shocked by many middle-aged people, although they did not have concomitant diseases, and it was long after suffering from coronavirus infection For a while, he suffered from a disability and chronic fatigue.

-In the westernmost part of Myanmar, more than 100,000 people may not be aware of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic because they have been without the Internet for a year due to military conflict. This was reported by the local human rights organization.

-Due to the prevalence of coronavirus, Saudi authorities only allow pilgrims who are already in Saudi Arabia to participate in pilgrimages. The pilgrims are the holy places of Mecca and Medina.

-Zhong Nanshan, one of China’s leading epidemiologists, predicts that the new COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic will end in the spring of 2021. This was reported by the newspaper “People’s Daily”. He pointed out that this epidemic may not end in the winter of 2020

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