Windows 10 20H1 solves high CPU usage and other issues

I believe many people are waiting for an important update version of Windows 10. In fact, Microsoft is also working hard to promote a new algorithm in the new system. This algorithm has greatly improved the overall system performance, especially in CPU and disk usage make the system more efficient.
According to foreign media reports, the changes included in Windows 10 2004 version (20H1) can finally resolve complaints about excessive CPU and disk usage in the operating system.
It is reported that Windows 10 version 2004 comes with a new algorithm that can detect excessive disk usage and other performance issues. If a performance issue is detected, Windows 10 may limit search index activity to reduce the chance of slowing down.
Microsoft says it will stop the Windows Search Indexer service when CPU usage exceeds 80% and disk usage exceeds 70%. The service is also disabled when game mode is on or the device ’s battery is less than 50%.
Microsoft said it will continue to improve Windows 10 search in other ways, and that Windows Search improvements are largely an ongoing process. In other words, users will run more smoothly after installing Windows 10 version 2004.
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