Eco-friendly girl Greta Thunberg claims to have new coronavirus pneumonia but says he has recovered

Eco-friendly girl Greta Thunberg claims to have new coronavirus pneumonia but says he has recovered

As the new coronavirus pneumonia is spreading all over the world. Swedish ecologist Greta Thunberg revealed today that she has suffered cough and other symptoms after a recent trip to Central Europe. It is “most likely” to be infected with the virus, but is now “basically cured.”

Agency France According to the press, the Swedish Environmental Protection Child broke the news and claimed to be infected with the new coronavirus but has recovered.

Greta Thunberg wrote on Instagram: “About 10 days ago, I started having some symptoms … I’m feeling tired, and I’m trembling, sore throat and cough.” According to Greta Thunberg, he said her symptoms only appeared when she returned to China after traveling to Central Europe. To be on the safe side, she and her father have volunteered.

The 2019 Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) has spread worldwide and the European pandemic is increasing rapidly, the report says. To date, 2272 confirmed cases have been reported in Sweden in northern Europe, but only those who have acute symptoms need to be hospitalized and those who have been in contact with endangered groups have been exposed to the virus.

Agency France – According to the press, Greta Thunberg said he was not screened. But based on his symptoms and other factors, he felt he was “more likely” to have an infection. According to Greta Timberg, she is now “almost cured”. But she reminds others, especially the smaller ethnic groups, not to ignore and encourage spread.

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