COVID-19 pandemic: how to resist coronavirus

Around Seven million cases of new coronavirus diagnosed worldwide

What do you need to know about the coronavirus and how to protect yourself from it? 

While Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is spreading all over the world, many people still do not understand what COVID-19 is and how dangerous it is. “Task Boat” explains when to seek help, how to protect yourself and your loved ones from infection. And also helps you understand the limitations that Foreign Country already has.

What symptoms indicate infection?

– Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that can cause various diseases. Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus that was never detected in humans. The name is associated with the structure of the virus, the spinal cord, similar to the crown.

The genome of the virus is subject to rapid changes. There are already two types of SARS CoV-2 coronavirus: s-CoV strain and l-CoV-2 strain. The first of them is much more common, the second is the most dangerous. This follows from studies by Chinese scientists published in the journal National Science Review. Moreover, the appearance of a COVID-19 vaccine against the virus is expected no earlier than by 2021.

With COVID-19, three symptoms are fixed. Which most often occur together, which is not typical for other diseases. Those infected have a fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath.

In addition, pain in the head, muscles and throat may develop, as well as fatigue. Diarrhea with coronavirus rarely occurs, although such cases have also been reported. But the infected people do not have a runny nose, one cannot detect COVID-19 by loud sneezing.

In addition, the coronavirus has already learned to disguise itself as another disease – dengue fever. This has been reported by scientists and doctors in Singapore.

“The patient comes with a typical clinical picture for dengue – high fever and rash. At the same time, he does not have the usual symptoms of COVID-19 – a runny nose, cough, sore throat, ”the authors of the study report.

The risk of Corona

According to the World Health Organization, the world faces an “unknown threat” over the spread of the Coronavirus.

Globally, the death toll for this virus has exceeded 3,000, most of them Chinese. However, new data shows that the virus has increased nine times in countries other than China.

After China, the highest number of confirmed cases of this virus is in South Korea, where the number of confirmed patients has exceeded 5000, but so far only 22 people have been reported from the virus.

Italy has the highest number of Coronavirus patients in Italy, with more than two thousand and so far 52 people have died from the virus.

There are still 40 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK, but according to a recent government report, up to 20% of the population can be discharged from work on the rise of the coronavirus in the UK and if the virus spreads, the military will also be helped. Can be called for

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There are still five confirmed cases in Pakistan and the government is saying that matters are still under its control. Of the five people infected with the Coronavirus in Pakistan. Three are from Gilgit-Baltistan and two are reported to be from Karachi.

According to the National Institute of Health Sciences. The blood samples of 12 more suspects from Gilgit-Baltistan have also been obtained for the test. On Monday, the Gilgit-Baltistan government closed all private and public educational institutions until March 7. In view of virus protection and security measures.

Pakistan has also closed Afghanistan’s border with Chaman.  A border area of ​​Balochistan province.

According to a report published in the US journal JAMA on February 28th, COVID-19 or Corona, 83 to 98 percent of those infected develop a fever, 76 to 82 percent have a cough, and 11 to 44 percent. Fatigue and muscle aches complain.

Are reported in advance

Coronavirus spreads through drops that form when an infected person coughs or sneezes. In addition, it can be transmitted through contaminated surfaces – for example, door handles. The World Health Organization strongly recommends that you follow simple rules that can protect against infection:

– Wash hands regularly, preferably with soap. In addition, it is possible to carry out disinfection with an alcohol-containing agent.

– Keep a distance in public places – keep at least 1 meter from people. Especially if they cough or show other signs of the disease. Otherwise, everyone risks breathing air, which will contain the smallest drops containing the virus.

– Do not ignore medical masks, but do not buy them in tons. Experts advise wearing them in crowded places. Some masks are effective for one hour, others for four hours. However, they are not airtight, so they still pass the virus. It is more advisable to use them infected, so as not to transmit the disease to other people.

– Do not touch the eyes, nose and mouth without the need for hands, because the virus can easily be transferred from the skin of the hands to the body.

– Follow the rules of respiratory hygiene – in other words, always cover your mouth and nose with a napkin or bend your elbow when coughing and sneezing. After that, it is better to throw out the napkin immediately and wash or treat your hands.

– If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, you should seek medical help. In particular, this recommendation applies to those citizens who visited the distribution centers of COVID-19 or had close contact with recently returned from the affected regions.

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What is the difference between coronavirus and diarrhea and how does one know if the disease is corona or common flu?

Nowadays, it is the flu or flu season, which is seen as sneezing or nasal cleansing. He who has a cold tells himself to stay away from me, so you don’t get germs.

Or you refrain from going to the affected person your self. This is nothing new, it happens every year, but this time something new is definitely needed.

If you are sitting on a train in London and you start to sneeze or sneeze at someone for a moment, then at first people start to look at you carefully and then slowly move away.

The same is true in other countries. In other words, people are only using gestures when meeting each other. Jokes are being created, videos and memes are being made.

A viral video on the internet shows friends in Iran shaking their feet and legs instead of hands. Tanzania’s president did the same.

It’s scared of the new virus called the Novel Corona Virus or Cod. 19 says and this fear is gradually being embedded in our minds and thoughts, which sometimes come out in the form of jokes, sometimes in the form of expressions of thought.

My son who never cared about the cold nowadays wanders in the pocket for sanitizer.

What is this fear?

Even though the weather is flu and people from the US to Pakistan suffer from it, people are still talking about the flu, not the Coronavirus.

According to World Health Organization data, about 30 to 5 million people become critically ill every year due to influenza or flu, of which two million to 90,000 to 600,000 are exposed to various respiratory diseases. Suffering from death.

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu deaths have been reported between 18,000 and 46,000 during the flu season from 2019 to 2020.

This means that the flu is a very life-threatening disease but we always say about it, rest it will go away within a week or two. The flu takes its time. But Corona? Here’s something different.

Flu vs Corona Virus

Dr Abdul Hafeez, founder member and CEO of the Association of Pakistani Physicians. and Surgeons of the United Kingdom (APSUK), a British-based physician organization in the UK, says that we can’t compare the flu and corona right now because You know about the flu while nothing about Corona. “There is research currently underway, but it is in the early stages. And even when it is tested in an emergency, it will not go through the experimental stages through which the medicine goes. ‘

READ ALSO:   Around Seven million cases of new coronavirus diagnosed worldwide

He said the virus was not being investigated as fast as it was spreading.

How do you know if a person has the common flu or the coronavirus?

Dr Hafeez says it is now impossible to detect a person’s sneezing or a cold, to detect whether he has the common flu or the coronavirus.

He says, “When we take the blood sample of patients according to the Universal Precision Principle, we assume that everyone has corona and take the same precautions as stated.” It is different that after the test the results came out negative. ‘

It is growing, not much is known about it but we should still not be scared. Although no vaccine has been reported yet, the data also shows that 21% of the people killed by it are over the age of nine, while the death of a child under nine has not been confirmed. ۔

“So the risk is higher for those who are already sick or older.”

Corona and flu match

Flu and corona diseases are both respiratory diseases. Although they both look similar, both diseases are infected with different types of viruses.

Both have fever, cough, body aches, fatigue and occasionally nausea or diarrhea.

They can be both for a short time and for a long time as well. In many cases, the death of sick people can also occur.

Difference between Corona and Flu

According to the research so far, there is only one virus that causes the coronavirus, while there are different types of flu and viruses.

Although both of these viruses seem to drop and touch in the air, recent studies have also shown that the coronavirus can spread from one person to another even when it is not present.

That is, the germs of the affected person survive in the air droplets and when they leave, they can infect another person who is there or arriving.

The flu often causes sore throat, while the coronavirus causes the patient to breathe more heavily.

It should also be borne in mind that scientists have been researching the flu for decades. Although it still causes many deaths worldwide, we know a lot about it, but not so much about the Coronavirus.

It’s new, we don’t know much about it, we just don’t have the right medicines to deal with it and that’s why it’s more dangerous.

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